• What application can open .DCD file?

DCD file extension

Information that help open, edit, and convert .DCD file

When there is a problem with opening files with the extension .DCD you do not need to immediately use the services of the IT expert. In most cases, using the helpful suggestions of experts contained in our website as well as appropriate programs you can solve the problem with the .DCD file yourself.


A list of programs supporting files with the .DCD extension


The file extension allows the operating system or the user of the device to recognize its format and use the appropriate program that allows to run it. It also happens that the file extension is associated with a number of different file formats. This is the case with the .DCD file, which is associated with the 2 file types. The most common file format with the extension .DCD belongs to the "CAD Files" category. The manufacturer of the file is IMSI/Design.

We have included on our pages information about all the file extensions with their brief description and programs to run them.


  • How to open .DCD file extension?
  • How to convert a .DCD file into a file in another format?
  • What program supports a .DCD file?
  • What programs help to edit a .DCD file?
  • What program reads a .DCD file?

these are the most frequently asked questions to which one can find professional answers on our pages.

The purpose of our site is to provide all relevant information on available programs, the use of which will enable to start, make changes, and even to save the file with any extension. We provide data concerning the manufacturer of this type of software and if necessary refer you to valuable sites that contain more detailed information in the area of interest. Search for the file DCD on Wikipedia.